5 January 2019

New Year's Resolutions: 2019

As I am writing this post, it is the 1st of January 2019... just let that sink in. WHERE has the time gone?! 2019 is going to be a really big year for me, and quite frankly, I already want to go back to the comforts of 2018. But since I can't do that, instead I'm going to actually try and stick to my resolutions this year. Realistically, I can't follow them all perfectly straight away, but by the end of the year I hope to be following them all!

happiness planner 2019 adexe london watches new

1) Go to bed before midnight and wake up at 7am

This year I really want to increase my productivity and that means no more late nights studying when I'm half asleep. If I get more of my work done in the morning, it means I'll have more time to relax in the evenings.

2) Reduce the amount of time I spend on social media

I'm aiming to only check my social media once in the morning and once in the evening. I'm hoping I will be able to stick to this, but if I can't, then I think I will temporarily disable my Instagram account until exams are over...

3) Take a break from blogging

To be honest, this isn't a resolution I want to follow, but it's one that I should follow. With dentistry interviews, mock exams and, of course, my actual A-levels(!), 2019 is probably going to be the most stressful year of my life so far and I need to prioritise both my grades and my mental health. I think the best way for me to do that is to eliminate the pressure of blogging for now.

4) Remember that quality > quantity

This applies to pretty much all areas of my life. In terms of revision, I need to revise the topics that I'm struggling with and stop revising the same content over and over again. Rather than spending all my free periods with my friends at sixth form, I need to spend them in the study area, but then make the most of my breaks. The same goes for social media; I need to enjoy the little time I will spend on it this year rather than endlessly scrolling through my Instagram feed!

happiness planner for productivity and positive mental attitude 2019

5) Eliminate all distractions when I'm studying

That means leaving my phone downstairs and trying to avoid using my laptop when possible. I also have a really bad habit of studying in the living room with my family when obviously that's not where I am going to concentrate best. I need to actually make use of the study room this year haha.

6) Drink more water

I know this is one of the more typical resolutions that literally EVERYONE sets themselves, but honestly guys... I really do need to drink more water. I'm lucky if I manage to get through one 500ml bottle of water in one day. I'm aiming to drink 3 bottles of water a day in 2019 and if you're worrying about plastic then here's resolution number 7...

7) Play my part in caring for the environment

We all need to stop with the whole mindset of 'but I'm only one person' and just play our part! I can't change other people's actions, but I can make sure that I'm doing the right thing. Starting from 2019 I will: use reusable water bottles and coffee cups, use both sides of paper, switch off devices when not being used, reduce my meat consumption etc.

8) Schedule time for socialising

In 2017, my social life was practically non-existent but in 2018 I couldn't help but agree to go to every social event. This year is going to be the one guys - I'm going to find that balance! I'm going to schedule in time for socialising every week and (hopefully) that way I will give myself a break from studying, but also not get too distracted from this year's main focus: my A-levels.

To help me stick to my resolutions, I'm going to be using The Happiness Planner in combination with the Weekview Business Planner. I'm hoping that this will allow to me work both on my mental health and productivity this year!

petite rosegold sistine watch adexe london

If any of you are interested in the watch featured in the photos in this post, it's the Sistine Petite Rosegold from Adexe London! The watch has had it's fair share of compliments since Adexe kindly sent it out to me to feature in this post... probably because I haven't left the house without it! If you're interested in purchasing one of their watches, you can use the code 'ALEEHA15' for 15% off.

Those were my eight resolutions for 2019, but let me know what yours are in the comments below! Hopefully by sharing them, we will be more likely to stick them. I wish you all a prosperous year and will be back in a few months time after my exams! xXx