Chatty posts are my favourites, both to read and to write, so when I came across the post '12 Things' by Aspyn Ovard, I knew I had to steal the post idea! Plus, I just feel like it's been aagggeess since I've done a general life update post or a favourites post so I'm basically going to make this post a combination of the two! If you decide to do this post too, let me know because I would love to read it!
Sixth Form is HARD. I already knew about the 'big jump' between GCSE and A-Levels because people had literally scared me to death with reminding me about it, but I thought it would have been alright since I'm pretty academic and enjoy studying (to an extent...). I took biology, chemistry and maths and there's A LOT of content, far too many tests and endless homework.
I have no idea what I want to do with my life and it's stressing me out... I thought I wanted to be a dentist, but a few weeks ago I decided maybe it wasn't for me because I don't think I would actually enjoy the practical side of it which is obviously the main part haha.
I have been OBSESSED with Instagram recently. I've even started using Instagram stories which is something I never thought I'd use considering I hate Snapchat.
'Beauty and the Beast' is INCREDIBLE. Definitely up there in my top 5 films! Also, how gorgeous is Emma Watson?!
Lucy and I have started planning some festive posts for December and I'm so excited to start working on them... definitely make sure you're checking out our blog every Tuesday in December!
I turned 17 just over a month ago and I am officially old enough to learn how to drive... won't actually be learning how to drive just yet though because I don't really feel the need to and also I definitely don't feel responsible enough!
I want to start using Pinterest more because so many bloggers are saying that it has really helped to increase their views. I'm still not too sure on how to use it properly though so let me know if you have any blog posts or general tips on how to use Pinterest.
I'm going to Morocco in December and I'm so excited! If you've been to Morocco before, definitely suggest some things to do or places to see in the comments!
I would really like a pair of Adidas NMDs.... top of my wishlist at the moment!
I still haven't watched the films 'Everything, Everything' or 'Paper Towns' - I absolutely loved the books so really want to watch the film versions, but I just haven't had time.
I've been loving hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles recently... I would like one right now actually but it's almost midnight so I'll try and avoid it.
I tried chocolate brownie Oreos last week and I was very disappointed; they just taste like chocolate Oreos! I do rate birthday cake Oreos though...
Have you seen Paper Towns or Everything, Everything?