8 December 2015

Book Reviews #1

...A bit different to my usual post but I love reading and I'm sure some of you do too so why not start a series to do with books?! Be sure to let me know your opinions on these books too!

Girl Online by Zoe Sugg aka Zoella
I mean, how could I not re-read this one... 1) it's an amazing book 2) it's by Zoe... there isn't anything else to say apart from you need to pick up a copy of this if you haven't already got one!

Go set a watchman by Harper Lee
WORST BOOK EVER! Well, for me anyway! I really didn't enjoy this and I don't recommend it at all! I got up to page 60 and then just couldn't bring myself to read anymore. Let me know if you liked this book though because maybe I just haven't given it a chance.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo
So many people have been raving about this book on YouTube so that's kind of what made me decide to pick this up and... wow! Every time I sat down to read this I just wanted to get up and tidy my whole room! The main message in this book is about keeping the things you love and reducing clutter which I err seem to have a lot of!

Girl Online - On Tour by Zoe Sugg aka Zoella
Okay this book is just... awesome! I think I prefer this book to the first one although they are both amazing! I will say though that you need to read the first book to understand this one!
