14 June 2016

My Travel Bucket List

Recently I've been thinking a lot about travelling and the places I want to visit when I'm older. It was super hard to narrow down the list, but my top 10 places are mentioned in this post!

Honolulu is in Hawaii and I mean, who wouldn't want to go to Hawaii? It's one of those places that I would always dream about being perfect when I was little. I feel like there will be a totally different atmosphere there compared to here in the UK!

I've been watching a lot of Santorini vlogs on YouTube recently and they've all just made me realise how much much I want to go to Greece. If I went there though, I would definitely want to stay in a hotel or villa in Oia!

Lucy went to New York this year so if you haven't already, be sure to click here to check out some of the amazing photos she took! I really want to go there just to experience the whole vibe and also so I can see the street style!

I've always wanted to go California, it sounds like such an amazing place to live too! My dad's gone there a few times and I'm always super jealous! If I ever have the chance to go to California, then I would love to go to LA!

This one is quite different to the rest of the places in my travel bucketlist, but there is so much beautiful and unique nature in Iceland that it's worth a visit. I also really want to see the water there... it's so icy and pale blue!

Again... you can't not want to visit Australia! Holly, from the blog 'The Chronicles of Holly' lives there and I am so jealous! I know she loves the UK though! I also want to go to Australia so I can hear the accent 24/7...

Tokyo is probably the coolest place in this whole list. It would literally be a dream come true if I could go there! There's such an awesome vibe (from what I can imagine) and there's so many lights and so much colour too!

I've always said that if I was ever to live in America, then the only place I would want to live is in Utah! Not because it's my favourite place in America, but something about the place really appeals to me as a place to live. It's so different to any place I've ever been to which is why it's on this list!

NO WORDS... IF YOU LIVE IN SINGAPORE, YOU ARE SO LUCKY! I don't even know how to explain this place... just go to google images and search Singapore... RIGHT NOW!

I feel like Istanbul still has a lot of culture but is also modern in many ways which is why I've been wanting to go there for so long! Gabby (velvetgh0st from YouTube) went there recently and the place looked amazing! Oh and if you didn't know, Istanbul is in Turkey!

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?